Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ENENEWS Looks at Prompt Critical and Steam, Not Hydrogen Explosion at Unit 3 Spilled Core Contaminants

More people are questioning the "hydrogen explosion" explanation because of the 3 booms, dark color of the blast cloud and nature of stuff that was deposited all over the area that looked it it contained fuel bits that could only come from inside the core. Since the cover still looks intact, the blast may have briefly moved the cap against the heavy crane just enough leak materials around the edges without completely popping the top cap. 

No one has seen where the refueling structure went, nor remarked on whether it was blown in to the turbine building besides the scribble picture archive. 


 December 14th, 2011 at 06:00 AM EDT | Email Article EMAIL ARTICLE

Former JNES inspector: Nuclear explosion at Fukushima No. 3 had “black smoke” and “mushroom cloud” — “Hydrogen explosion does not produce such a black smoke” (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)

Japan nuclear expert Setsuo Fujiwara’s interview with SPA magazine, published Dec. 13, 2011, translation via EX-SKF (best-effort translation without detailed technical knowledge of nuclear physics, subject to revision):
Setsuo Fujiwara, Nuclear plant inspector who worked at Japan’s Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES)
  • “The explosion in Reactor 3 at Fukushima I Nuke Plant on March 14 was nuclear!”
  • “There was a flicker of fire”
  • “Then a vertical, black smoke up the reactor building”
  • “A hydrogen explosion does not produce such a black smoke”
  • “The mushroom cloud — It resembles a nuclear explosion”

Mr. Grove on p. 61 of the transcript, “Most of the deposition that has reported to date, appears to have come from inside the reactors.”
Mr. Hallahan on p. 63, “Ascribing these dispersed radioactive materials in various forms on site, you know, it is most likely they were from the reactor cores rather from the spent fuel pool.”
[...] In a new revelation, the NRC claims that the plutonium found more than 1 mile offsite actually came from inside the nuclear reactors. If such a statement were true, it indicates that the nuclear power plant containments failed and were breached with debris landing far from the power plants themselves. [...]
At 3:30 in

SOURCE: Goddard's Journal
Read Goddard Journal’s analysis of the Reactor No. 3 explosion here


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